“Wiki Piano Net” is an interactive community-based piano piece
. The complete webpage of wiki-piano.net is the score to the piece. It consists of several sections. Some elements are fixed, like for example this introductory text. Some other elements are editable like for example the next sentence:
The pianist performing this piece reads and plays everything that can be found on the internet page, from top to bottom. All elements are either to be spoken or to be performed by the player. The only exception are small comments explaining some editing choices in detail (displayed in orange).
The visitor of the internet page is able to influence and change the score of the piece - continuously. This can happen at all times. When the pianist schedules a performance the piece she/he will open this website and perform the piece according to the content at that given moment. Hence each performance of the piece will reflect the current state of the piece. Here’s the first section:
This first chapter explains the basic concept of the piece. You - the visitor of the website - is invited to edit and change the piece however you like. There are no wrong choices. Every change you make will be performed by the performer the next time the piece is played. So everything you do here has an impact on the upcoming concerts. You can change texts, move around notes, include images and videos and sounds. The question mark shows you some helpful comment for each module. The on/off switch lets you enable or disable a module. And the small arrows on the side allow you to change the order of the modules by moving a given module one position up or down.
Drag notes here
Prepare the piano in the following way
Definition of Actions
Choose a peaceful Sound
Freesound share URL
Drag notes here
The following sound will be played at the same time as the notes above
Freesound share URL
Interpret these images
Drag notes here
The following sound will be played at the same time as the notes above
Freesound share URL
The following video will be played at the same time as the notes above
The following video will be played at the same time as the notes above
»wouw 10.000 clicks hauptsächlich aus indien und pakistan die pranke des leoparden von bruce lai ist«
23.5.2018 alexk58 says:
» alekx58 3 years ago dieser film ist unser topfilm er hat schon dreizehn dollarcent eingespielt und «
23.5.2018 alexk58 says:
»seu wo shu de scheng hu sin nan xiao bai hu su tao ah gong ih jing yan hui«
23.5.2018 I would like to say that you are the oil that fills the ointment. You should use the use of fuel to supply your physical needs. It does not matter it can not be found. you should replace almond oil, because the trees and shakes are like the trees of the 100's of the new natural new hom says:
»Zhongmu Rick, BUMMI joky participaENonn ofa n efestova; smok: am cylinder listen. Hope i become oil«
23.5.2018 22.4.2018 Mr Anushi Wankiren leader of Quality control at zyciyang ceramics says: »THAnks you for this dear mr Schubert we offer u 7 free ceramic for you performance (nice for sound)« says:
»sad story about how serum was replaced by copper stamp in copper stamp factory in china in factory«
23.5.2018 Sad story mate honestly says:
»sad story about how serum was replaced by copper stamp in copper stamp factory in china in factory«
23.5.2018 Anushi ankiren leading leader of leading quality contro lfactory which lead zyci zyaing into future that promise them leading the industry forward in prpetual unparalleled super red shifted performance relative from their competitors and will propel future of mixtapes and future of zcercami idnsutrsty Greater than once upon a time there was a nice may may that call themselves asugary soda and they say drinking hidden zyco meme hydroshock says diabetes fucking can even though i havediabetes but hey you know it ragtime music lets get my gazelle memememememem and fill it also dont forget to lik,e and subscrieb like i said before i want to make ice tea but i havent head the time and i dont have a kitchen at homoe also hidden zyco meme has been hidden underneath a rock says:
»Sorry i recently found some leaked bass samples and like i just feel sorry man damn im really sorry«
17.5.2018 alekx58 says:
»besser fast als mein lied der kranich fällt von berg oder zumindestens die zeit reparierend«
17.5.2018 michael says:
»so so much scope for YUMMY«
16.5.2018 jonathan says:
»functions surprisingly well given the open format, I was skeptical at first«
»What the hell are you doing on the internet young man, your mom just called me at work«
14.4.2018 maestro183's mom says:
»Don't listen to my son, you've done a great job!«
14.4.2018 the maestro183 says:
»I think there should be more music modules, the most exciting part for me is the music«
13.4.2018 B natural says:
13.4.2018 Mona says:
»Can you favourite things so that they never go away pleez. The internet troll speech HAS to stay«
13.4.2018 Hyun-Mook Lim says:
13.4.2018 Hello says:
12.4.2018 Fojes says:
»Fojes was here«
12.4.2018 Jessica Zuckerberg says:
»Help, he's keeping me prisoner.«
12.4.2018 Liam Mulligan says:
»It was a lovely experience, Susan, thankyou <3«
11.4.2018 Woolookologie says:
»Brilliant, though I can't seem to edit notes in Firefox. Everything else works fine.«
10.4.2018 Tropism says:
»more cats, b****s!«
10.4.2018 MadMusicologist says:
»Doesn't work well with Chrome browser. Exciting project, I'll come back.«
10.4.2018 Joe Manghan says:
»Fantastic stuff. Wish I could hear some representation of the notation modules.«
10.4.2018 GYmmm says:
»I love this idea. and cats.«
Two videos directed at the audience, uploaded by other users. They should be recorded especially in reaction to this piece. Create a video, upload it, and link it here.