What is your name?
In order to edit the online score, log in with any chosen nickname


“Wiki Piano Net” is an interactive community-based piano piece by . The complete webpage of wiki-piano.net is the score to the piece. It consists of several sections. Some elements are fixed, like for example this introductory text. Some other elements are editable like for example the next sentence:

The pianist performing this piece reads and plays everything that can be found on the internet page, from top to bottom. All elements are either to be spoken or to be performed by the player. The only exception are small comments explaining some editing choices in detail (displayed in orange).

The visitor of the internet page is able to influence and change the score of the piece - continuously. This can happen at all times. When the pianist schedules a performance the piece she/he will open this website and perform the piece according to the content at that given moment. Hence each performance of the piece will reflect the current state of the piece. Here’s the first section:

This first chapter explains the basic concept of the piece. You - the visitor of the website - is invited to edit and change the piece however you like. There are no wrong choices. Every change you make will be performed by the performer the next time the piece is played. So everything you do here has an impact on the upcoming concerts. You can change texts, move around notes, include images and videos and sounds. The question mark shows you some helpful comment for each module. The on/off switch lets you enable or disable a module. And the small arrows on the side allow you to change the order of the modules by moving a given module one position up or down.
Prepare the piano in the following way
19   sec

Definition of Actions

Action A
Action B
Action C
Action D
Action E
Action F
Choose a peaceful Sound
Freesound share URL
30   sec
The following sound will be played at the same time as the notes above
Freesound share URL
ID of the video
Start Time in Seconds
15   sec
ID of the video
Start Time in Seconds
Interpret these images
60   sec
30   sec
The following sound will be played at the same time as the notes above
Freesound share URL
14   sec

The following video will be played at the same time as the notes above
ID of the video
Start Time in Seconds
15   sec

ID of the video
Start Time in Seconds
Now the last section will be
9   sec
The following video will be played at the same time as the notes above
ID of the video
Start Time in Seconds
URL of the image
URL of the image
URL of the image
Show this website
url of the website

ID of the video
Start Time in Seconds
10   sec
1   sec
10   sec
1   sec


  • The piece has been edited 35255 times.
  • 1383 users took part and interacted.
  • The user with the most edits is: “grinder”.
  • This piece has been performed 45 times.
  • Wiki Piano is part of the work cycle “Community Pieces”.
  • Information about the works can be found here: community.alexanderschubert.net


Your name
Your Rating
Your comment
2.2.2025 svechuk says:
10.1.2025 SagIchNicht says:
»If this is music, then Trump is philosophy«
18.11.2024 Schlong says:
»Feier böse. Shit ist nasty«
10.9.2023 The Unless Guy says:
»Reminiscing on this; unles-«
10.5.2023 Yo says:
23.2.2023 Ada says:
»Clearly a scam«
16.10.2022 blaf says:
»dit is vet gaaf«
28.8.2022 user 2847 says:
»Way better than Beethoven! *__* «
28.8.2022 user 2847 says:
»Way better than Beethoven! *__* «
14.8.2022 jirka says:
» «
10.8.2022 Fingers says:
»Blessed are you who seek, for you shall inherit «
9.12.2021 EX867 says:
»Dear pianist, your performance was bombastic!«
9.11.2021 Blú Uí Ainlí says:
»Get in the piano«
12.10.2021 Alessandro Ratoci says:
»This is better than Dust My Wets!«
12.10.2021 Alessandro Ratoci says:
»This is better than Dust My Wets!«
10.8.2021 yeet says:
5.4.2021 haeh says:
»here in my vessel campaign 2021 welcomes wiki pian«
11.3.2021 Gary says:
11.3.2021 Gary says:
24.2.2021 yesyesnoyes says:
»Fabulous food, impeccable service. What a experien«
22.1.2021 Linigrhf says:
»Nice day whomever, amongst that craziness : ]«
21.1.2021 Alexander Schubert says:
21.1.2021 ꧁𝔢⃘⃝꧂꧁𝔢⃘⃝꧂ says:
»👑 ⸽ͫ⸽⸽⸽⸽ͫ⸽ͣ⸽ͩ⸽⸽⸽⸽⸽⸽⸽⸽⸽͢⸽⸽⸽⸽⸽«
29.11.2020 srlt says:
»quando ordiniamo la pizza«
29.11.2020 srlt says:
»quando ordiniamo la pizza«
29.11.2020 srlt says:
»quando ordiniamo la pizza«
22.11.2020 Marjorie Darjeeling Maxish says:
»flying fearlessly forwards«
25.10.2020 Scongo says:
»Scongo is the best villain«
21.10.2020 Ma says:
»»Machines get bail cases right 40% more than judge«
18.10.2020 Eduardo Marques says:
»Music is Cool 😎«
4.4.2020 txkoskiet says:
»I want a burguer«
1.3.2020 gooseTV says:
»Hey, that's pretty gustavo«
25.2.2020 Sen. Bernie Sanders says:
»I'm once again asking for«
25.2.2020 Herr Schwenk says:
»Hello this is Fredrik Schwenk and I approve this «
24.2.2020 by developer says:
»bvhabvlsjvnlsdljvbhbvshvjbsdv read this bitch«
7.2.2020 Sulp0nt says:
»Martin duckling «
3.2.2020 bogthief205 says:
»Needs more John stringer «
16.1.2020 YOU says:
»live again.yes.«
16.1.2020 dream line says:
»clap your eyes forever«
15.1.2020 Steven says:
»I like to travel to the Faroer Islands«
13.1.2020 Adam says:
»unicorn transplant is going ok«
13.1.2020 boy says:
»insider trading makes you vulnerable«
3.12.2019 hmm says:
3.12.2019 x_fluffyunicorns_xx_101_xoxo_!1!!!1111!!11!! says:
»rawr >;3«
3.12.2019 Im_za_best_91 says:
»winking takes practise. Wink at me«
3.12.2019 god 2 says:
»uh oh spaghetti o«
3.12.2019 life is sad says:
»coffee tastes like piss but i drink it anyway«
3.12.2019 Truth says:
»Character limitations make sentences wrong«
3.12.2019 R-Truth says:
»Vote Plaid Cymru!!!!!«
3.12.2019 Truth says:
»Machines get bail cases right 40% more than judges«
3.12.2019 SEAN CLANCY IS GOD says:
3.12.2019 Stalin says:
»Hitler was a really nice guy lol«
3.12.2019 Gandhi says:
»I'm Christian«
3.12.2019 Jesus Christ says:
»I'm buddist«
3.12.2019 Jhon Cena says:
»Help me! I have a serious problem!!!!«
3.12.2019 Tanna says:
»I always get 100% in Harry Potter Sporcle quizzes«
3.12.2019 Voldemort says:
»I lost my nose«
3.12.2019 yoink says:
»yoinky doink«
8.11.2019 someone says:
5.10.2019 Dlvr says:
»The strawberry arn‘t red«
21.9.2019 Green Entry says:
»Die You Fool.«
10.9.2019 swagmaster says:
»good luck«
4.9.2019 NotTheUnlessGuy, thou : ] says:
»Someone was there... UNLESS...«
30.8.2019 EngineerFlyingToaster says:
»Awesome Idea : ]«
12.5.2019 r woodchip says:
»Kanga, lets continue our propserous deal no?????«
11.5.2019 wook says:
»hope to letter u schedule more o!«
11.5.2019 wook says:
»are u enjoyd this last performance ,,«
10.5.2019 son says:
»damn where did you find that son«
10.5.2019 son says:
»damn where did you find that son«
10.5.2019 ronny says:
»omg ronny«
10.5.2019 ronny says:
»omg ronny«
30.4.2019 Liam says:
»GO AWAY LIAM, UNLESS unless unless unllleeeesssss «
25.4.2019 Child 101 says:
»111000101010101 I can't binary good job =)«
25.4.2019 Pew Pew Die Pies says:
»Its just amazing sub to pewdieschubert «
25.4.2019 Ramones says:
»Faster faster«
17.4.2019 pasta says:
12.4.2019 Ooh says:
12.4.2019 God says:
»Stop fucking writing the same thing over and over «
9.4.2019 a student says:
»Oh wow, how good is Ben Carey? What a clever man!«
9.4.2019 same student says:
»please give me an HD«
9.4.2019 emeidos says:
»A+ will deal with again«
8.4.2019 Luminium18 says:
»This was good, unless unless unless unless unless «
8.4.2019 Luminium18 says:
»This was good, unless unless unless unless unless «
8.4.2019 Luminium18 says:
»This was good, unless unless unless unless unless «
8.4.2019 Luminium18 says:
»This was good, unless unless unless unless unless «
8.4.2019 Luminium18 says:
»This was good, unless unless unless unless unless «
8.4.2019 Luminium18 says:
»This was good, unless unless unless unless unless «
8.4.2019 Luminium18 says:
»This was good, unless unless unless unless unless «
8.4.2019 Luminium18 says:
»This was good, unless unless unless unless unless «
8.4.2019 Luminium18 says:
»This was good, unless unless unless unless unless «
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11 a lot!«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11 a lot!«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11 a lot!«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11 a lot!«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11 a lot!«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11 a lot!«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11 a lot!«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11 a lot!«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11«
8.4.2019 Mathis says:
»I love experimental music!!!11!!11111!!!11«
7.4.2019 Schwimmbad says:
»Not that funny, I meant, I'm too old for computers«
7.4.2019 Schwimmbad says:
»I didn't understand the concept, and it wasnotthat«
7.4.2019 Schwimmbad says:
»I didn't understand the concept, and it wasnotthat«
3.4.2019 Father says:
»I have my eyes on you, player.«
27.3.2019 I bet u says:
27.3.2019 I bet u says:
20.3.2019 Franz Schubert says:
20.3.2019 Franz Schubert says:
»Are you my doppelganger?«
20.3.2019 Franz Schubert says:
»Think I'll go for a nice winter's day walk«
20.3.2019 Franz Schubert says:
»What's the best way to cook a trout?«
20.3.2019 Franz Schubert says:
»I lost my shoe but the shoe man made me another«
20.3.2019 Franz Schubert says:
»This is so dreadfully unfinished«
20.3.2019 Julian Anderson says:
20.3.2019 Julian Anderson says:
»I am Snape, the potions master!«
20.3.2019 Ho says:
20.3.2019 The Farmer with a Gambling Problem says:
17.3.2019 Secret Admirer says:
»You, in the audience, first row. I like you. A lot«
14.3.2019 wook says:
»soy or i am wrote doubled«
14.3.2019 wook says:
»hope to latter we colab on hot piece«
14.3.2019 wook says:
»hello hope you enojyed our video, «
1.3.2019 Tom Ennals says:
»Tom Ennals«
1.3.2019 The real Zubin says:
»Help me I am trapped in the machine«
1.3.2019 Schmitty-Warben says:
»5/5 would buy again«
1.3.2019 The Wibbler says:
»Come back to me Scongo«
1.3.2019 Brutus Gold says:
»I'll get you next time, Dynamo Silver!«
1.3.2019 Retep Enruob says:
1.3.2019 Epileptic human says:
»Flashing images are inconsiderate and dangerous«
1.3.2019 Paul layzell says:
»I zubin kantget enough of this piece 10/10«
28.2.2019 Haha cool and nice says:
»Ben Douglas«
28.2.2019 BEN says:
»RIP Will Smith :(«
28.2.2019 Philly says:
»Shoutout to Peter Bourne«
28.2.2019 Pretentious Critic says:
»It wouldn't be art if it didn't get a one star«
28.2.2019 Dynamo Silver says:
»Keep it amphibious, sponge operators«
25.2.2019 ruth says:
»needs more memes«
25.2.2019 ruth says:
»needs more memes«
11.2.2019 kn says:
11.2.2019 LD says:
11.2.2019 LD says:
11.2.2019 dave says:
»No-one would be opposed to fudge expansion«
29.1.2019 winterbiggy notrious says:
»READ ALL COMMENTS FROM 2.1.2019 in reverse order«
29.1.2019 winterbiggy notrious says:
»became shit«
29.1.2019 winterbiggy notrious says:
»at jay kreidler still a nice guy but his music«
29.1.2019 winterbiggy notrious says:
»druck is cool but xconfessions as well«
29.1.2019 winterbiggy notrious says:
»druck is cool but xconfessions as well«
29.1.2019 winterbeg says:
»1597 seconds«
29.1.2019 winterbeg says:
29.1.2019 winterbeg says:
»into a druck hooligan«
29.1.2019 winterbeg says:
»into a druck hooligan«
29.1.2019 winterbeg says:
»into a druck hooligan«
29.1.2019 winterbeg says:
»after being a jay-kreidler-hooligan i transformed «
29.11.2018 stocki says:
29.11.2018 stocki says:
20.11.2018 UAE man says: